Russia Offers S-400s To Saudi After Houtis Set Oil Facility Ablaze

  • Our Bureau
  • 07:14 AM, September 17, 2019
  • 4728
Russia Offers S-400s To Saudi After Houtis Set Oil Facility Ablaze

Russia has offered its S-400 air defense systems to Saudi Arabia after Yemeni Houtis managed to attack world’s largest oil facilities located in the country, dodging its protective armour that includes Patriot systems.

"In order to protect Saudi Arabia, we are ready to provide the corresponding aid to the country. Riyadh just needs to make a wise decision; like Iran’s S-300 buy & Turkey’s purchase of S-400s. They will reliably protect all infrastructure objects of Saudi Arabia," Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, was quoted as saying by TASS on Monday.

The Yemeni drone-strike unleashed on 14 September caused major fire in Aramco’s processing plants in Buqyaq and Khurais oil field, knocking off close to 6% of global crude oil supplies. Oil prices worldwide are expected to shoot up by nearly 15% following the incident.

According to Pentagon, Yemen’s attack included not ten drones, but were “cruise missiles” with great “precision” since they were able to get past Saudi Arabia’s Patriot missile air defenses, and other short and medium range defenses including anti-drone systems.

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