US Approves Sale of AH-6i Gunships to Thailand for $400M

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:05 AM, September 25, 2019
  • 6667
US Approves Sale of AH-6i Gunships to Thailand for $400M

The United States has approved Thailand’s request to acquire 8 Boeing AH-6i light attack reconnaissance helicopters and related equipment for an estimated cost of $400 million meant for the Royal Thai Army’s (RTA).

“The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Thailand of eight (8) AH-6i light attack reconnaissance helicopters and related equipment for an estimated cost of $400 million,” Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said in a statement Tuesday.

The Government of Thailand had requested to buy eight (8) AH-6i light attack reconnaissance helicopters; fifty (50) AGM-114R Hellfire missiles; and two-hundred (200) Advance Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) Rockets.

Also included are ten (10) M134 Mini Guns, ten (10) M260 Rocket Launchers; ten (1) M299 Longbow Hellfire Launcher; ten (10) AN/APN-209 Radar Altimeter; eight (8) AN/APR-39(V)(4) four (4) GAU-19/B .50 Cal Machine Gun; five-hundred (500) Hydra 70 Rockets; twenty (20) AN/AVS-6 Night Vision Goggles; eight (8) WESCAM MX-10Di Cameras; ten (10) AN/APX-123 IFF; ten (10) AN/ARC 201E-VHF-FM; ten (10) AN/ARC-231 w/ MX-4027; ten (10) LN-251 Inertial Navigation System/Global Positioning System (EGI); Aircrew Trainer (ACT); Pilot Desktop Trainer (PDT); Virtual Maintenance Trainer (VMT; contractor provided pilot and maintainer training peculiar ground support equipment; spares; publications; integrated product support; technical assistance; quality assurance team; transportation; and other related elements of logistics and program support.

The new AH-6i helicopters will replace the RTA’s aging fleet of seven AH-IF Cobra helicopters, DSCA statement said.

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