UAC Prepares for First Test Flight of Il-114-300 Plane

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:57 AM, October 1, 2020
  • 4062
UAC Prepares for First Test Flight of Il-114-300 Plane

Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) has begun preparations to conduct the first flight of the first prototype of the Il-114-300 aircraft.

In a statement on September 30, Rostec said the 68-seat Ilyushin jet’s fuel system has already been tested. All onboard systems and equipment have been installed on the plane.

The new Il-114-300 is equipped with a new TV7-117ST-01 turboprop engine, developed and manufactured by United Engine Corporation (UEC). The jet’s engine was tested with a new type of fuel for the first time, the company said.

Additionally, taxiing of the aircraft along the runway, among other procedures, has been completed.

Russia is also building the second prototype of the aircraft using serial technologies. Fuselage docking is being completed at the automated assembly stand presently. At the next stage, the docking of the tail unit and the wing of the aircraft will take place.

The jig-free assembly technology used in the creation of the new Il-114-300 is now used in the creation of modern passenger aircraft. The technology provides a reduction in production preparation costs, high precision of work. Adjustment of the position of units and components of the airframe is carried out using automation with an accuracy of a hundredth of a millimeter,” said Deputy Technical Director of the Lukhovitsk Aviation Plant named after P.A. Voronin - branch of RSK "MiG" Artem Sukach.

The new Il-114-300 turboprop aircraft is intended for regional transportation and is focused primarily on the domestic market.

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