American Technology Corporation (ATC) announced it has received a new LRAD order from the Singapore Navy, and an initial order for LRAD destined for the Japanese Navy. LRAD directed sound products and systems communicate from 300 meters to over 1500 meters with authority and high intelligibility through vocal commands and powerful warning tones to influence behavior, gain compliance, and determine intent. ATC's proprietary Long Range Acoustic Devices are currently utilized in a variety of government, military and commercial applications around the world. This new business brings the total of LRAD orders received from Asian customers in the Company's fiscal second quarter to over $1 million. The orders are scheduled to ship before the end of the Company's fiscal third quarter. ATC also announced that it has shipped LRADs destined for the Korean Navy from an order received last quarter. "Working with our partners in the Far East, we are gaining traction in opening new markets in this important region of the world," said Tom Brown, president and CEO of American Technology. "Due to continuing piracy and terrorist threats, a growing number of Asian military and commercial security organizations are evaluating and procuring LRAD systems."