Indian MoD Awards Mahindra Telephonics Airport Surveillance Radars Contract

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:44 PM, June 4, 2021
  • 3526
Indian MoD Awards Mahindra Telephonics Airport Surveillance Radars Contract
Telephonics' SkySearch-2000M Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar: image for reference

The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded a contract to Mahindra Telephonics Integrated Systems Limited (MTIS), a subsidiary of Mahindra Defence Systems (MDS) for the supply of Hi-Tech Airport Surveillance Radars (ASR).

The Indian Navy after rigorous products trials and through a competitive process has selected MTIS for manufacture of 11 Airport Surveillance Radars with Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar capability, Mahindra Defense press release said. 

After installation of the Radar by MTIS, it will provide air domain awareness and contribute to improving safety of flying operations. 

These Radars will be installed in 9 Air Stations of Indian Navy and two of the Indian Coast Guard which are located along the coast and in our island territories.

MTIS will also provide comprehensive maintenance package for 11 years after the warranty period. The maintenance package will ensure high level of operational availability of the Radars without them becoming obsolescent.

Mr Jayantaraj Chatterjee, CEO, MTIS, said, “We are proud to participate in the Indian Navy’s augmentation of Air surveillance capabilities and deliver state-of-the-art surveillance radars”.

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