LIG Nex1 to Introduce Korean-made 'Goalkeeper' Close-in Weapon for Ships at MADEX 2021

  • Our Bureau
  • 05:44 AM, June 9, 2021
  • 4329
LIG Nex1 to Introduce Korean-made 'Goalkeeper' Close-in Weapon for Ships at MADEX 2021
Thales Goalkeeper. Via YouTube.

LIG Next1 said it will showcase Korean-made Goalkeeper advanced close-in weapons system (CIWS) at the Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition (MADEX) 2021 event scheduled to start on June 9.

The South Korean Navy presently uses a Dutch CIWS called Goalkeeper, which automatically shoots thousands of bullets per minute to offer short-range defense for ships against fast-moving missiles, aircraft and surface vessels. This weapon, developed by Thales, was first introduced in 1979.

Through its CIWS-II program, the Navy aims to develop a more advanced CIWS that has the same barrel and ammunition carriage system as Goalkeeper, The Korea Herald reported Tuesday.

At the MADEX 2021 event, LIG Nex1 will introduce a Korean-made Goalkeeper. If selected for the CIWS-II program, LIG Nex1 will supply its Goalkeeper to the Navy’s future vessels including light aircraft carrier, next-generation KDDX destroyers and FFX-III frigates.

“LIG Nex1 has the technological expertise on ship-to-ship guided weapons, which will be targets of CIWS-II. Also, LIG Nex1 has the expertise on rolling airframe missiles and anti-ship guided missiles ‘Haegung,’ so we are confident of a successful development,” a company official was quoted as saying by the report.

LIG Nex1 completed a depot maintenance and acceptance test of its Goalkeeper in September 2020. It became the first Korean company to have secured a fire control system dedicated to CIWS-II.

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June 9, 2021 @ 04:17 AM