Chinese Airborne Troops Receive New Y-12 transport Aircraft

  • Our Bureau
  • 06:55 AM, February 28, 2022
  • 2769
Chinese Airborne Troops Receive New Y-12 transport Aircraft
Y-12 transport aircraft

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) airborne troops received new Y-12 transport aircraft that boasts enhanced power, avionics and handle ability.

Pilots affiliated with an aviation transport brigade attached to the PLA airborne troops recently had their first session of flight training on land and above islands with their new Y-12 lightweight cargo plane, China Central Television (CCTV) reported on Saturday.

Also read: Chinese Y-12 Aircraft Approaches Taiwan’s Island to Test Air Defense Systems

"The new aircraft enjoys very obvious optimization in terms of the cockpit environment, power, instrument panels and handling," Hu Yongsen, a pilot in the brigade, said in the CCTV report.

"After takeoff, I had a much faster speed when climbing thanks to the more powerful engines, and was able to perform all kinds of tactical maneuvers better than before," Hu said.

For the PLA airborne troops, the Y-12 will be used to replace its older counterpart, the Y-5, and will be used mainly in basic training missions for paratroopers, Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military aviation expert, told the Global Times on Sunday.

The Y-12 is more cost-effective than medium-sized transport aircraft like the Y-8 and Y-9, as well as large transport aircraft like the Y-20 and Il-76, Fu added. The latter planes will be used in more advanced training, large-scale exercises and real combat.

In addition, the Y-12 could also be used to carry special forces units in special operations.

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