Russia Tests Zircon Hypersonic Missile from a Ship in the Barents Sea

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:45 AM, May 28, 2022
  • 948
Russia Tests Zircon Hypersonic Missile from a Ship in the Barents Sea
Zircon hypersonic missile launch from frigate: file photo

The Russian Ministry of Defence has announced a new test launch of the Zircon hypersonic missile by a ship in the Barents Sea.

"Today, the lead frigate of project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov from the Barents Sea fired a Zircon hypersonic cruise missile at a sea target position in the White Sea. The missile firing was carried out as part of testing new types of weapons," stated a report by the Russian MoD.

 "According to objective control data, the Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile successfully hit a sea target located at a distance of about 1,000 km. The flight of the hypersonic missile corresponded to the specified parameters," Interfax quoted the Russian military.

The Tsirkon (Zircon) 3M-22 hypersonic missile is a part of 3K-22 (Zircon code) complex which NATO reports as SS-N-33. The missile can develop a speed of Mach 9 and fly at an altitude of 30-40 km where the range and speed increase as air resistance is smaller. Experts estimate the payload at 300-400 kg and the missile length at 8-10 meters. The missile is to be fired from universal vertical launchers 3S-14 on warships and submarines and from Bastion mobile coastal missile launchers.

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