General Dynamics to Provide Fire Control Systems for Columbia, Dreadnought Subs

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:36 AM, July 21, 2022
  • 925
General Dynamics to Provide Fire Control Systems for Columbia, Dreadnought Subs

The U.S. Navy awarded General Dynamics a contract to support development, production and installation of fire control systems for the Columbia- and Dreadnought-classes of ballistic missile submarines.

The contract as awarded has a value of $272.9 million over the next six years. This contract is the second for General Dynamics and is comprised of development, production and installation support for U.S. and U.K. submarine strategic weapons systems and subsystems. It will also support strategic weapons systems upgrades on currently fielded U.S. and U.K. strategic ballistic missile submarines.

Work will primarily be performed in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and is expected to be complete by July 2028.

The company will deliver the fire control system for the U.S. Navy's second and third Columbia-class submarine and the third U.K. Dreadnought class submarine as well as installation support and pre-deployment planning for both U.S. and U.K. sites. This contract also includes Columbia and Dreadnought design completion scope and continuation of design activities for the first planned refresh of the Columbia and Dreadnought fire control system.

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