Mobilization To Affect Shooters, Tankers, Gunners, Drivers: Russian MoD

  • Bureau
  • 05:57 AM, September 23, 2022
  • 1014
Mobilization To Affect Shooters, Tankers, Gunners, Drivers: Russian MoD
Representative image.

The Russian defense ministry has stated that the partial mobilization announced by President Vladimir Putin will primarily affect shooters, tankers, artillerymen and drivers.

Russia’s General Staff may also call on Russians who are on a short trip abroad, as well as some female doctors.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said a day before mobilization announcement on September 21 that 300,000 reservists would be called up as part of partial mobilization. Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President, denied reports that the decree allows for the possibility of conscripting up to 1 million people.

"As part of the partial mobilization, the categories of citizens who are necessary to complete the tasks will be called up. These, of course, are shooters, tankers, gunners, drivers, driver mechanics. However, priority is given to citizens with suitable military specialties," Vladimir Tsimlyansky, spokesman for the main organizational and mobilization department of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, was quoted as saying by Interfax on Thursday.

"It is necessary to understand that the number of citizens called up is determined by the regular needs of the completed military units. One of the main factors is that citizens called up from the reserve have combat experience," he added.

According to him, citizens with military ranks of privates and sergeants under the age of 35, junior officers - up to 50 years, senior officers - up to 55 are subject to conscription for military service for mobilization.

"Of course, there are positions that can be filled by women who have the appropriate military specialties. These include, for example, medical workers, but the need for such specialists is minimal," the official said.

The number of citizens called up from the reserve will not exceed 1% of the total number of the mobilization manpower reserve.

Quotas for the number of citizens called up from the reserve are not set. Based on the volume of the available mobilization manpower reserve, each subject of the Russian Federation has been assigned a separate task for the supply of mobilization resources.


In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, reserved citizens will not be called up, they include employees of defense industry enterprises; citizens recognized as temporarily unfit for military service for health reasons; citizens engaged in constant care for a family member or who are Group-I disabled people.

Tsimlyansky said all enterprises of the military-industrial complex are now working in an enhanced mode, which requires the involvement of a large number of specialists and skilled workers.

He said that citizens who have four or more dependent children under the age of 16, as well as citizens whose mothers, in addition to them, have four or more children under the age of eight and raise them without a husband, are not subject to conscription.


If a military pensioner, regardless of belonging to law enforcement agencies, is retired, that is, he is over 65 years old or for health reasons, and he is removed from the military register, he is not subject to conscription for mobilization.


Citizens called up for military service on mobilization receive the status, payments and all social guarantees as servicemen doing military service under the contract. Funds are credited to the personal account of a serviceman and, at his request, can be transferred in full or in part to members of his family.

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