Russia-made Radiation-Resistant Video Surveillance Systems for Turkish Nuclear Plant

  • Bureau
  • 09:08 AM, November 18, 2022
  • 1219
Russia-made Radiation-Resistant Video Surveillance Systems for Turkish Nuclear Plant
Construction site of Akkuyu NPP @Rosatom

Ruselectronics holding, a subsidiary of Rostec, will supply radiation-resistant video surveillance systems to the Akkuyu nuclear power plant under construction in Turkey.

The equipment will make it possible to control the refueling of nuclear fuel in the reactor section of the nuclear power plant.As part of the implementation of the contract concluded with the JSC "Central Design and Technology Institute" (part of the State Corporation "Rosatom"), NIIPT "Rastr" of the holding "Ruselectronics" will develop and supply special television systems ST-O-59R for refueling machines of all four power units of nuclear power plants.

Refueling machines are designed to move fuel assemblies to the reactor core and replace spent nuclear fuel with new one. The television equipment will make it possible to inspect the surface of the fuel elements, examine the seats for their installation in the reactor, control the extraction and installation of fuel assemblies, and perform general monitoring of the operation of refueling machines.

The solution is a closed-loop television system consisting of transmitters and receivers. A television camera is placed in the zone of radiation exposure, capable of operating both in air and in water environments under the strong action of gamma radiation up to 10 kGy/hour (106 rad/hour). The camera is installed on the pointing device and connected to the control unit located in the control room outside the zone of radiation exposure. Through the interface, the operator will be able to control the movement of the camera, zoom and focus the image, as well as adjust the built-in lighting of the camera.

“NIIPT Rastr has a unique expertise in the development and production of radiation-resistant video surveillance equipment. The design of the devices allows for their decontamination and provides protection against the penetration of radioactive dust into the equipment. Television surveillance systems produced by the institute are used in radiation hazardous areas at the Kursk, Leningrad and Tianwan NPPs. We plan to supply the equipment for the first power unit of the Akkuyu NPP already this year, and for the remaining units by the end of 2024,” said Olga Krotova, Executive Director of NIIPT Rastr.