Highly Modernized T-72B3M Tank Delivered to Russian Army

  • Defensemirror.com Bureau
  • 05:44 AM, December 3, 2022
  • 1994
Highly Modernized T-72B3M Tank Delivered to Russian Army
T-72B3M Tank

The Uralvagonzavod heavy vehicles factory has recently delivered a batch of upgraded T-72B3M tanks to Russian troops which represent a highly modernized version of the venerable T-72 tank.
"Uralvagonzavod has delivered a batch of T-72B3M tanks to the Defense Ministry of Russia. The upgrade was carried out under the defense procurement plan that stipulates modernizing T-72B tanks to the T-72B3M level," a Uralvagonzavod statement said.
The upgraded tank’s armor has been reinforced with Relikt reactive armor side plates. The new protection plates enhances its survivability enabling employing these armored vehicles in situations where there is massive use of anti-tank weapons, it said.
The upgraded T-72B3 tanks are also outfitted with a new fire control system that features an automatic process of preparations for fire and considerably raises fire accuracy, Uralvagonzavod said.
Besides, the tank is equipped with a 1,000 hp V-92S2 high-power engine based on automatic powerplant and thermal control," it said.

Highly Modernized T-72B3M Tank Delivered to Russian Army
T-72B3M Tank on transporter

The upgraded tank has received a new sight system with a digital display and a rear view video camera. In addition, the tank has also received a new 125mm cannon with the enhanced barrel life, a new R-168-25U-2 Akveduk ultra-short-wave radio station, new fire-fighting equipment and a Sosna-U multi-channel gunner sight.
The set of measures to upgrade T-72 tanks has been worked out by engineers-designers of the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering (part of Uralvagonzavod). It involved practically all the systems and helped improve the vehicles’ maneuverability, raise their firepower and the protection level," the press office said in a statement.

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