Hard Landing Static Tests Completed for Russian MC-21 Airliner

  • Defensemirror.com Bureau
  • 10:22 AM, December 7, 2022
  • 1281
Hard Landing Static Tests Completed for Russian MC-21 Airliner
Irkut MC-21 Airliner

Irkut Corporation and the Central Aero hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) have conducted the static tests of the MC-21 aircraft.

The airframe underwent tests for its ability to withstand loads during a rough landing, that is, a landing with excess vertical speed. As part of these tests, several loading cases were implemented: to the operational level, the maximum design level, as well as to the destruction of the fuselage (determination of the load capacity). The results obtained fully confirmed all the parameters laid down in the design, the company said.

TsAGI also studied the case of an emergency landing of an aircraft.

“Safety in the aviation industry is at the forefront, so every stage of testing is very important. During static tests, the aircraft design withstood huge loads, greatly exceeding operational ones, confirming its reliability. Until 2030, it is planned to produce about 270 such airliners. These aircrafts will carry millions of passengers every year. Serial production of the aircraft is scheduled for 2024,” said Vladimir Artyakov, First Deputy General Director of Rostec State Corporation.

MC-21 is a new generation medium-haul passenger aircraft with a capacity of 163 to 211 passengers. The airliner is focused on the most popular segment of the air transportation market. The aircraft is equipped with PD-14 Engines having a high bypass ratio, it is known for its low fuel consumption, reduced noise levels and emissions of harmful substances. The aircraft has the widest fuselage width in its class.

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