Thai Navy to Salvage Sunken Corvette

  • Bureau
  • 05:36 PM, December 19, 2022
  • 1126
Thai Navy to Salvage Sunken Corvette
Thai Navy corvette, HTMS Sukhothai minutes before sinking: Thai MoD image

The Thai Navy plans to salvage the corvette, HTMS Sukhothai that sank in the Gulf of Thailand Sunday night leaving 31 sailors missing and 75 rescued.
Navy Chief Admiral Chomchoengpaet was quoted as saying in the local media that the the part of the sea where the corvette sank was only 40 meters deep and that salvage operations would begin once the rescue operations were over.
Navy Spokesman Admiral Monthaphalin told local media that the rescue operations were focused on a 300 sq miles area around 18 nautical miles south of the location where the corvette sank.
Strong winds and high waves were impeding search operations which would continue at least until Tuesday.
Eleven of the rescued sailors were under treatment at a hospital in the Bang Sapan district. Two were picked up by a Straits Energy tanker. One sailor said he swam for 7 hours before being rescued.

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