Ukrainian Army Tests Leopard 2A6 Tank against Captured Russian T-62

  • Bureau
  • 08:32 AM, May 27, 2023
  • 1912
Ukrainian Army Tests Leopard 2A6 Tank against Captured Russian T-62
Captured Russian T-62MV tank used as target by the Ukrainians @andreynikonorov8 via Ukrainian media

The Ukrainian military tested its Germany-built Leopard 2 battles tanks against captured Soviet T-62s.

Ukrainian serviceman Andrii Nikonorov released footage featuring tests involving Leopard 2A6 and T-62MV.

The training was completed, General Kovalchuk personally examined it. We are moving east,” the soldier wrote.

The released footage shows a T-62MV with armor piercing.

As per Ukrainian media, the Leopard 2A6 used a 120-mm DM-53 dart ammunition. The DM-53 round is designed and optimized specifically to overcome the dynamic protection of the enemy’s armored vehicles. The DM-53 core is made of tungsten and WSM IV heavy alloy.

Ukrainian Army Tests Leopard 2A6 Tank against Captured Russian T-62
Ukrainian military's Leopard 2A6 tank @andreynikonorov8 via Ukrainian media

Ukrainian soldiers could also use the DM-63 round. The new German DM-63 can be used with any 120 mm smoothbore tank gun. Rheinmetall developed the world’s first highly effective temperature-independent tank ammunition, the DM 63 and the DM 53 A1 (the latter being an upgraded version of the DM 53).

This round stands out for its temperature-independent propulsion system, which ensures consistent internal ballistic characteristics across a broad temperature range.

Portugal handed over three Leopard 2A6s to Ukraine in March.

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