Kalashnikov Develops 'Stealth Steel' for Tanks

  • Defensemirror.com Bureau
  • 03:07 PM, June 23, 2023
  • 1355
Kalashnikov Develops 'Stealth Steel' for Tanks
Kalashnikov Develops 'Stealth Steel' for Tanks

A subsidiary of Russia’s Kalashnikov has developed armor plating that reduces the visibility of tanks to thermal imagers and radar.

The special protective material named "Cape" (Nakidka in Russian) is produced by JSC Research Institute of Steel" (NII Stali in Russian). “The material reduces the visibility of tanks and other military equipment in a wide range of wavelengths, began to arrive at the customer's address for use in combat conditions,” Kalashnikov said in a release.

In particular, a number of domestic engineering enterprises have already received the first samples of the "Cape" from the Research Institute of Steel to equip tanks with this means of protection.

The fighting (in Ukraine) showed that armored vehicles are put out of action not only by anti-tank weapons, but also as a result of artillery shelling or rocket attacks from long distances. In this case, the shelling is carried out after the enemy detects equipment using satellite or aviation reconnaissance equipment. Obvious opposition to this is the camouflage of equipment, and Research Institute of Steel offers here a whole range of means to reduce visibility.

One of the main elements of this system is the special material "Cape". It protects primarily from detection by radar and thermal imaging reconnaissance devices, its deforming coloration also provides optical masking. Today, the "Cape" is becoming an indispensable element of the acquisition of Russian armored vehicles sent to combat zones.

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