Israeli Forces to Procure 200 Armored Vehicles for Gaza Operations

Israel has earmarked $41.1 million for this purchase
  • bureau
  • 09:45 AM, February 13, 2024
  • 791
Israeli Forces to Procure 200 Armored Vehicles for Gaza Operations

Israeli Ministry of Defense has approved the procurement of over 200 armored security vehicles, allocating an estimated 150 million NIS ($41.1 million) for the purchase.

The decision, made in collaboration with the Planning Division and the Home Front Command, aims to strengthen settlement defense forces in the Gaza Envelope, northern regions, and Judea and Samaria.

The armored vehicles, set to be acquired from Pelsan-RAM and Fit Tech Engineering Bar Lev Ltd., will be supplied to emergency classes in the coming months. The expedited tender and procurement process underscore the urgency and priority given to the deployment of these vehicles in patrols and rapid response efforts during security incidents.

Avi Mashiach, Deputy Manager for Land Procurement, highlighted the broader context of the procurement, stating, "The order for the security vehicles is part of a larger-scale procurement for standby classes, which includes weapons and protective equipment. The procurement was conducted under an expedited tender and strictly for 'blue and white' procurement, aiming to ensure production independence in essential areas and strengthen the Israeli economy."

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