European Defence Agency Holds Space Strategy Meeting

Key focus areas encompassed space awareness, access, system protection, earth observation, positioning, navigation, timing, and satellite communication.
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  • 06:37 AM, February 16, 2024
  • 951
European Defence Agency Holds Space Strategy Meeting

The European Defence Agency (EDA) hosted a two-day Space Strategy Meeting from February 14, bringing together representatives from 19 European Union Member States, NATO, the European Commission, and the EU Satellite Centre.

The meeting aimed to coordinate and streamline efforts as the European Union develops its space strategy for security and defence.

The gathering, known as the Defence in Space forum, marked the fifth and largest meeting since its inception in 2022. Discussions centered around the recently proposed 2023 EU Capability Development Priorities in space and the tasks assigned to EDA in implementing the EU space strategy.

The proposed space strategy, put forth by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the European Commission in March 2023, underscores EDA's role in providing military requirements to the Commission and developing space education and training for security and defence.

EDA's headquarters in Brussels served as the backdrop for the meeting, with the EU Military Staff and the European External Action Service also in attendance. The forum aimed to address collaborative opportunities in space for defence, leveraging EDA's expertise as a bridge between various space projects initiated by entities such as Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), the European Defence Fund (EDF), and the EU Space Programme.

The discussions delved into the implementation of tasks outlined in the proposed EU Space Strategy, with a particular focus on the 2023 Capability Development Priorities. Key areas of consideration included space situational awareness, access to space, protection of space systems, space-based earth observation capabilities, positioning, navigation, and timing, along with satellite communication.

While some EU Member States already have established strategies for their space activities, the EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence is expected to serve as an inspiration for others, encouraging stronger involvement in this domain.

The Defence in Space forum, launched within EDA in October 2022, emerged from the EU's defence review, CARD, which identified defence in space as a focal point for collaboration. EDA, serving as an enabler and facilitator for Ministries of Defence, plays a crucial role in improving the defence capabilities of its 27 Member States through European cooperation.

As an intergovernmental expert platform, EDA supports collaborative projects, facilitating their implementation and providing expertise and networks across the entire spectrum of defence capabilities.

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