Some 10,000 Israeli Soldiers Wounded from Current Fighting in Gaza

Among the wounded men and women, 35% complain of post-traumatic stress disorder and 37% deal with limb injuries.
  • Bureau
  • 11:19 AM, August 17, 2024
  • 522
Some 10,000 Israeli Soldiers Wounded from Current Fighting in Gaza
Israeli soldiers in Gaza (file image)

A total of 10,060 Israeli soldiers have been wounded from the on-going “Iron Swords” campaign in Gaza.

Every month over 1,000 new wounded are taken in from the ongoing fighting, the Israeli Ministry of Defense reported.

The Director General of the Ministry of Defense,  Eyal Zamir, convened to the management of the Ministry of Defense for a special discussion on the strategy for the absorption and treatment of the thousands of wounded from the 'Iron Swords' war, alongside the continuation of the treatment of 62 thousand disabled IDF members from previous wars.

According to the data of the rehabilitation department, in addition to 1,000 new wounded, about 530 wounded from past wars are added to them.

Among the 10,056 "Iron Swords" wounded men and women, 35% complain of a mental reaction or post-traumatic stress disorder, and 37% deal with limb injuries. 68% of them are reservists, most of them are young, 51% are 18-30 years old and 31% are 30-40 years old.

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