China’s L-15 Falcon advanced jet trainer displays at Dubai Air Show 2009

  • 12:00 AM, November 17, 2009
  • 7781
China’s L-15 Falcon advanced jet trainer displays at Dubai Air Show 2009
China displayed its new L-15 Falcon advanced jet trainer (AJT) at the Dubai Air Show 2009. Chinese officials from China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC) defense president Wang Yawei said the company had made strides in research and development of new aircraft and was anxious to explore the export market. “The attendance of the L-15 is aimed at exploiting the international market. There is a high demand of trainers of this type in the international market”, he added. “The L-15 is a new generation advanced trainer that provides solutions for pilot training,” Zhang said. The aircraft is “characterized by a modern aerodynamic configuration” and equipped with twin turbofan engines, fly-by-wire system and a glass cockpit. “The L-15 is a cost effective replacement for old advanced jet trainers, an excellent platform to accumulate flight experience for pilots,” Zhang said. The aircraft is “capable of armed reconnaissance, defensive counter-air, close air support and anti-terrorism” missions. Developed by the Hongdu Aviation Industry Group, an AVIC subsidiary, the Falcon is a multi-purpose supersonic jet trainer. L-15’s chief architect Zhang Hong, Hongdu vice general manager said Falcon missions include advanced training, lead-in training, companion training and close air support. The aircraft will also come in a Lead-In Fighter Trainer (LIFT) and Companion Trainer variant. The Falcon is powered by two Ukrainian-built Ivchenko Progress AI-222K-25F engines with a performance speed of Mach 1.4 and service ceiling of 1,600 meters with a range of 3,100 kilometers.