SELEX Sistemi to supply three IFF radar systems to NATO

  • 12:00 AM, January 12, 2010
  • 3692
SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica Company, signed a contract worth around 5 million Euros with NATO agency NC3A (NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency) for the supply of three IFF (Identification Friend- or -Foe) secondary radar systems. The radars, intended for the Polish Defence Ministry, will be integrated with three Air Defence Systems RAT 31DL, already sold by SELEX Sistemi Integrati to Poland and at the moment under installation. IFF radars main feature is friend- or- foe aircraft identification, as well as distance and route direction detection. The new version, supplied by SELEX Sistemi Integrati and named Mode 5, is characterized by an innovative aircraft information acquisition method. By the use of functions representing the most developed standard within NATO, the system improves data transmission capabilities between aircraft and ground control centres, developing identification techniques and enhancing system security and information protection. SELEX Sistemi Integrati will deliver the first radar within 22 months starting from the contract signature. The agreement, that will have a total length of 26 months, also provides logistic support, from documentation to operators training, as well as a software update to integrate the new IFF with the previously sold RAT 31DL systems.