Boeing to provide US Army with Battle Command System Support

  • 12:00 AM, January 13, 2010
  • 3025
Boeing to provide US Army with Battle Command System Support
The Boeing Company today announced that it will provide systems design, development and testing services for the U.S. Army's Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS). IBCS is part of the Army's modernization effort; it will integrate current and future air and missile defense systems into a common battle command system. "The integration of sensors, weapons and battle management software through IBCS will provide the warfighter with a unified, open-architecture environment and the capability to counter continually evolving air and missile threats," said Dave Pope, Boeing director of Command and Control Enterprise Solutions. "Boeing's experience as a system-of-systems integrator will help ensure IBCS increases warfighter effectiveness against these threats." Boeing is a member of the IBCS team led by Northrop Grumman Corp. Boeing is responsible for leading the IBCS test activity, including developing the contractor test plan, testing software and hardware, and verifying and validating system requirements. Boeing also will lead the design, development and testing of the IBCS "plug-and-fight" interface, which will serve as a bridge between the existing legacy systems and the new battle command system. IBCS is expected to be fielded by 2014.