Vangent to manage military health system for wounded soldiers

  • 12:00 AM, October 29, 2010
  • 10438
Vangent, Inc., a leading global provider of information management and strategic business process solutions, today announced it was awarded the Patient Movement Item Tracking System (PMITS) Sustainment contract from the Military Health System in support of the Defense Health Services Systems Program Office. PMITS is an award-winning MHS system, receiving the Agency Information Technology Award from Government Computer News in 2009. PMITS automatically tracks the storage of patient movement items during peacetime and its movement during contingency and wartime operations. PMITS ensures critical patient-movement equipment is available throughout patient evacuation to save critically injured warfighters' lives. Military commanders use PMITS to manage and redistribute patient movement assets to avoid shortages during patient evacuations. PMITS prevents the loss, shortages, and overages of aeromedical equipment by managing the equipment inventory, tracking its movement, and providing valuable information to personnel supporting aeromedical equipment, such as item identification, item location, and status. "Vangent is proud to support the Military Health System with a mission-critical system that provides essential equipment for our military's wounded warriors," said Kerry Weems, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Vangent's Health Solutions business. Vangent's subcontractor partner on this contract is Akimeka, LLC.