Thales Wins €360M Contract for Joint Armaments Cooperation

  • 12:00 AM, July 27, 2012
  • 3136
Thales is delighted to announce the signature on July 2nd of the first Integrated In-Service Support (IISS) contract by the Organisation for Joint Armaments Cooperation (OCCAr) and Eurosam. This complex five-year contract of €360m, is the first joint, multisystem and multinational support contract for Naval & Ground Medium range Air Defence Systems. Throughout the lifetime of the contract, in-service support will be provided to three nations; France, Italy and the United Kingdom, and to five armed forces , the French Air Force, the Italian Army, the British Royal Navy and the Italian and French Navies. As a major Eurosam stakeholder, Thales is a key player in this contract and is specifically responsible for: -- The Firing Control System (SAAM-Fr) of the French Navy’s aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle -- The Long Range Radar (S1850) of the French and Italian Horizon frigates -- The Firing Control System (PAAMS) software of the French and Italian Horizon frigates -- The Firing Control System of 17 French and Italian ground medium range air defence systems (SAMP/T) All land and naval weapon systems provided to end users will benefit from this continued support for the SAMP-T, SAAM-FR, SAAM-IT, PAAMS.