Sustained Defense Procurement Foreseen In Indonesia

  • 12:00 AM, November 5, 2012
  • 2318
Table Of Content. The 23-page article contains 4,110 words, 11 tables and 3 graphs. The main findings include. Indonesia's Defence Budget. Indonesia’s Procurement and Offset Policy. Joint Ventures and Partnerships. Military Training and Exercises etc. Indonesia Market Research Report Brief. 1. During 2011-2012 the country’s defense budget beat out other South-East Asian countries with a 28 percent increase in the funds for weapons acquisition. 2. The report details equipment ordered over the last five years, equipment inducted and follow on orders. It lists all the contracts given out by the Indonesian MoD, international and domestic companies which have won the orders, trends in military spending besides joint ventures and local production facility. 3. It highlights contract winning companies and their probability of winning repeat orders in Indonesia. 4. The report points out inflection points in procurement and hiccups which may impede economic development and consequently defence spending. Please email editor (at) for subscription information and to receive an article brief. Contact No - 08041317060, +919810230884