Finmeccanica,Thales Wins 216 Million Euros Contract

  • Our Bureau
  • 02:34 PM, July 9, 2013
  • 3305

Telespazio, the joint venture between Finmeccanica and Thales, has signed a contract worth 216 million euros with the European Satellite Service Provider (ESSP) as part of the EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) satellite navigation programme. 

The eight-year contract was signed today which requires to see through the  maintenance activities and network services for the telecommunications among EGNOS sites located in Europe. 

The company will also support ESSP in developing EGNOS services in different fields of activity (road, rail, sea transport) in the public and private sector. Telespazio will also manage the programme's logistical services from the Fucino Space Centre. To ensure the close coordination of these activities, Telespazio will station two of its teams at the ESSP sites in Toulouse (France) and Torrejon (Spain). 

Telespazio was chosen as ESSP's main subcontractor at the head of an industrial partnership that includes Thales Alenia Space, joint venture between Thales (67%) and Finmeccanica (33%), as main partner. 

In the framework of the contract Thales Alenia Space will focus on EGNOS maintenance, along with support services, such as obsolescence management and implementation of minor EGNOS upgrades.