The End of the First Phase of the Su-35 Test

  • (Source: Sukhoi JSC KnAAPO)
  • 12:00 AM, July 9, 2008
  • 1428
>The Su-35 multirole fighter, seen above at the MAKS 2007 air show in Moscow, has completed initial flight testing. (Sukhoi KnAAPO photo)MOSCOW --- Sukhoi Company has presented the newest Su-35 multifunctional fighter at the airfield of Flight Scientific Research Institute named after Gromov in Zhukovsky near Moscow.>> RF Air Force commander Alexander Zelin, deputes of the Rosoboronexport Director Genera, Alexander Mikheev and Vicktor Komardin, Sukhoi Company Director General Mikhail Pogosyan, representatives of the RF Ministry of Defense and group of foreign diplomats observed the demonstration flight. During special presentations the guests were acquainted with the aircraft performances, flight and combat potential.>> Su-35 is a profoundly-modernized multifunctional super-maneuverable fighter of 4++- generation. At the Su-35 development a lot of 5th-generation-fighter technologies were used that put Su-35 ahead of warplanes of the same class, including the cost-effectiveness index.>> The new fighter boasts of the up-to-date avionics based on digital information-management system integrating onboard equipment and systems, a new phased-array radar providing long ranges of aerial target detection with the increased number of simultaneously tracked and attacked targets; new TVC-engines with enhanced thrust.>> The 5th generation fighters will be fielded not earlier than in 2015-2017. The Su-35 fighters batch production and deliveries are scheduled on 2010 2011. Thereby, itll ensure the smooth transition to the next-generation aviation systems with no loss of this countrys defense potential.