Anti-Tank Nag Missile's Land Version Successfully Tested

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:16 PM, September 25, 2013
  • 3888
Anti-Tank Nag Missile's Land Version Successfully Tested

The third generation anti-tank Nag missile's upgraded land version – ‘Helina’ was successfully tested on Sunday at Pokhran field firing range, Rajasthan.

"For hitting the target, a launching pad was made in Pokhran field firing range. Helina's target was set 7km from the launching pad. The target was fired from launching pad and was hit successfully," an Indian official was quoted as saying by The Times Of India.

Earlier, air-to-ground preliminarily trials of anti-tank Nag missile's air version of 'Helina' were conducted on October 21, 2011, which were unsuccessful.

"The range of the land version will be extended by development of a mast-mounted missile launcher that is hydraulically raised to a height of 5 metres to enable the missile to acquire its targets up to a distance of 7-8km. An air-launched, 10-km range variant will be launched from tactical interdiction aircraft like the upgraded Jaguar IS. It has a nose-mounted mill metric-wave active radar seeker," an Indian official added.

The Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) will also start working on the 'man portable' Nag soon. It would weigh less than 14kg. It is being developed as per user requirements and will see upgraded propulsion to enable 'Helina' to strike enemy armour at a distance of 7-8km, the report added.

Nag is a third generation 'fire-and-forget' anti-tank missile developed in India. It is one of the five missile systems developed by DRDO under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). Nag has been developed at a cost of Rs 300 crore. Its land version is presently undergoing trials in Chandan field firing range in Pokhran.

Nag is also configured to be used on the Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) and the HAL Light Combat Helicopter (LCH). This version is known as Helina (HELIcopter launched NAg). Eight missiles are carried in two quadruple launchers. Launchers mounted on either side are linked to a nose-mounted stabilized thermal sight and a laser range-finder package.

'Helina' with a range of 7-8km, will be launched from twin-tube stub wing-mounted launchers on board the armed HAL Dhruv and HAL Light Combat Helicopter produced by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL). The first ground launches of the missiles were conducted in October 2011 during which the missile was launched onto the target. While the missile was in flight, a second target was chosen for the missile to hit, which was successfully destroyed. This demonstrated the capability of the missile to lock onto and hit another target while in flight. A two-way RF command-video data link has been released which is intended to be fired from HAL ALH.

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Anti Tank Missile NAG Hits Bulls Eye

August 7, 2008 @ 12:00 AM