Saudi Arabia To Buy Wire-Guided Missiles Worth $170 Million

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:23 PM, December 6, 2013
  • 2982

Saudi Arabia has requested the sale of tube-launched, optically-tracked wire-guided missiles and associated logistical support for an estimated cost of $170 million.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has requested the possible sale of 750 BGM-71 2B Tube-launched, Optically-tracked Wire-guided (TOW) missiles, 7 Fly-to-Buy TOW2B missiles, 1,000 BGM-71 2A TOW missiles, 7 Fly-to-Buy TOW2A missiles, containers, spare and repair parts, support equipment, tools and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S Government and contractor engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support. The estimated cost is $170 million.

The principal contractor will be Raytheon Missile Systems.

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