Latest satellite images have emerged showcasing activity at one of North Koreas submarine bases days after it threatened to carry out a missile test towards US-owned Guam. North Korean watcher Joseph Bermudez of
The US Army has awarded a $1 million contract to Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (KBL), to develop a genetically modified “spider silk” material that could hypothetically be used for protective armor, even underwear, for soldiers. The contract was made with KBL, a bioengineering company that aims to genetically modify silkworm and spider silk into high-performance polymers
North Korea is projected by the end of 2020 to have 25 to 60 nuclear weapons, a US think tanks report on Pyongyangs nuclear capabilities says. The “worst case” estimate of 60 nuclear weapons would involve the operation of the Experimental Light Water Reactor, David Albright, founder and president of
The tiny Kingdom of Qatar has moved up three places on the list of the World's biggest military spenders in two years and now ranks behind Saudi Arabia and India. Qatar, which entered the Top Ten for the first time in 2015 (ranked sixth), is now ranked third, with significant imports from the USA, Germany, Switzerland and France, according to data released by UK Defense and Security Export Statistics for 2016 released last month
A US Senator has accused a UK-based sub-contractor of misusing funds meant for training intelligence officers in Afghanistan by spending on luxury vehicles and six-figure salaries to employees' 'significant others.' Senator Claire McCaskill on the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee blew the whistle on a federal contract following an audit that left taxpayers on the hook for over $50 million in questionable costs, including seven luxury vehicles and $400,000 average salaries for 'significant others' of corporate officers to serve as “executive assistants
A twin prop engine configuration has been selected for the European MALE RPAS (Medium Altitude Long Endurance Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) as the basis for further trade-off studies until the upcoming Systems Requirements Review (SRR). Airbus Defence and Space, Dassault Aviation and Leonardo have provided a substantial set of data that allowed the participating nations including France, Germany, Italy and Spain to agree on the basic remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) configuration and several main design drivers for the system, after an intensive 10 months trade-off period
Indian Air Forces Jaguar fighter jets are flying without autopilots, a crucial flying aid, that is unrealised even after 20 years. The flying aid capability was envisaged by the air force in 1997 for Jaguar aircraft however, it has remained unrealized even after two decades, the Comptroller and Auditor-General has said in a report presented in Parliament on July 28
The third Australian F-35A Joint Strike Fighter has received its Australian made vertical tail as it nears production completion. Victorian based company Marand is an Australian company, one of which is the manufacture of vertical tails
The UN Security Council resolution to block a third of North Koreas exports in the form of coal, mineral and manpower will dry up its main source of its foreign exchange and starve most of its labor-intensive industries. "Through the resolution, the Council (UN Security Council) had taken a strong and united step, increasing the penalty of that countrys ballistic missile activity to a whole new level
Fifty eight contracts worth over US$19 billion (INR 1,21563 CR) have been signed with foreign vendors for acquisition of defence equipment for the armed forces in the last three financial years, Indian government said Friday. In information given by India's Minister of State for Defence Dr