The Indian police's special task force recently arrested a civilian employee of the Military engineering services (MES) for passing classified data to Pakistani Military intelligence unit over the last two and a half years. The individual, was allegedly in touch with at least three Pakistani Intelligence Operative (PIO)-run Facebook accounts since 2018
Regulatory approval has been received for the first flight of the Sukhoi Su-30SM2 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Force (RuAF) equipped with the powerful AL-41F-1C engine drawn from the advanced Su-35 fighter jet. The aircraft manufacturer, Sukhoi Corp
Northrop Grumman has completed the critical design review (CDR) milestone for the Embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) / Inertial Navigation System (INS)-Modernization, or EGI-M, program. EGI-M provides airborne navigation capabilities with an open architecture that enables rapid responses to future threats
China on Sunday launched the first Type-054 frigate being built for the Pakistan Navy. “Launching ceremony of 1st state of the art Type-054 class frigate for Pakistan Navy, was held at Hudong Zhonghua Shipyard, China
Rolls-Royce and Reaction Engines today announced a new strategic partnership agreement to develop high-speed aircraft propulsion systems and explore applications for Reaction Engines thermal management technology within civil and defence aerospace gas turbine engines and hybrid-electric systems. “We have been working closely with Reaction Engines for the past two years, including exploring the potential of high-Mach systems for defence applications, and I am delighted that we are able to strengthen that relationship,” said Mark Thompson, Director of Global Strategy & Business Development, Rolls-Royce
Russia began exporting its latest AK-12 assault rifle, dubbed ‘baby Kalashniov to neighboring countries, according to Dmitry Tarasov, General Director of the Kalashnikov Concern. Tarasov did not name the states to which weapons are exported in comments made to the Russian media
Russias Advanced Research Foundation will display “Cyclocopter” drone at Army-2020 Forum to be held next month. Tests of the unmanned aircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing, was concluded recently
China's Navy deployed its latest long range bomber, the H-6J that flew along with the H-6G during a recent drill in the South China Sea. Chinese media reported that the H-6J can carry seven YJ-12 supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, with six under the wings and one in the weapon bay
Team Eurofighter will have to submit its best and final offer (BAFO) for supply of
Indonesia is still committed to a 2018 deal over the purchase of Russian-made Su-35 fighter jets, said Mohamad Wahid Supriyadi, ambassador of Indonesia to Moscow. Supriyadi said his country "will not walk away from the deal" when asked in an interview by a Russian publication on July 24 whether his country had given in to pressure from the US to abandon the purchase