The Israeli Ministry of Defense International Defense Cooperation Directorate (SIBAT) has targeted India, the United States, Finland and 3 other Asian countries for renewed defence exports push. The six "core" countries are among a list of 41 countries for which defence exports could be pushed significantly by directly engaging the respective countries in government-to-government (G2G) deals
Rolls-Royce has secured a five-year MissionCare contract valued at $1.2 Billion to maintain AE 1107C engines on US Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force V-22 aircraft
Airbus has delivered the first two of twenty H145M military helicopters to the Hungarian Defence Forces. The order for the aircraft equipped with the HForce weapon management was placed in June 2018 by the Hungarian Ministry of Defence as part of its military modernisation programme
General Dynamics announced Tuesday that it has installed a new and improved GPS system onto US Stryker armoured fighting vehicles in Germany that allows US forces to operate in an environment when GPS signals are degraded or denied. Known as Mounted Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing Data (PNT) System (MAPS) Gen 1, the system began fielding in September on select Stryker armored fighting vehicles and could eventually extend to thousands of vehicles across Europe, the company said in a statement
European MBDAs Common Anti-air Modular Missiles (CAMM) and Saabs Giraffe radar systems have been integrated into Northrop Grummans Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS). CAMM was the first non-US missile system to be demonstrated with IBCS earlier this year, and Giraffe represents the first non-US sensor system to be demonstrated, Northrop said in a
Chinas Central Military Committee (CMC) has set up a new think tank consisting of military and civilian experts to independently and objectively evaluate drafts on military policies and institutional reforms. “Top weapon and equipment developers could be part of the team
China presented its modernized Type 051B destroyer “Shenzhen,” equipped with a new 32-unit missile vertical launch system, on Monday. “The Peoples Liberation Army Navy's (PLANs) sole Type 051B destroyer has gained very powerful combat capability after the modernization,” said Weihutang, a column on military affairs affiliated with China Central Television (CCTV)
The US State Department and the Pentagon are reportedly sending teams to investigate the alleged breach of laws pertaining to the usage of American-made armored vehicles by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the Yemen conflict. “The Department of State takes these allegations very seriously and is working closely with partner nations to determine whether there were any such unauthorized transfers”, Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs Mary Elizabeth Taylor wrote to Senator and presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren in a letter published on Tuesday
Turkish Aerospace unveiled the first locally assembled T-70 Black Hawk helicopter built under the $3.5 billion
The Pentagon awarded Lockheed Martin two contracts with a combined worth of $1.16 billion for F-35A aircraft meant for Australia and United States Air Force (USAF)