The U.S
General Dynamics C4 Systems, Inc., Taunton, Mass
Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today announced that a contract has been signed with Elbit Systems Limited (Elbit) to provide the next generation of command, control and communications capability to elements of the Army, Special Operations Command and the Air Force’s Combat Support Group. “The introduction of this new capability which will increase the ADF’s battle space awareness, automate combat messaging and assist in the successful conduct of operations,” Mr Combet said
BAE Systems and Northrop Grumman Corporation have announced a teaming agreement to pursue the Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program. The GCV program is a development effort headed by the U
Boeing today announced that it received a contract from the U.S
The U.S
BAE Systems received a $32 million contract modification from the U.S
General Dynamics Land Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics, was awarded an $84 million contract for battle-damage assessment, repair services and materials for Stryker brigades deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition, General Dynamics was awarded $28 million for 474 hull protection kits and spare parts for the Stryker family of vehicles
The U.S
The U.S