Enterprise applications company, IFS today announced a new software tool for the civil aviation industry for flight planning and maintenance. Called the IFS Tail Planning, Optimization & Assignment, the tool maximizes aircraft allocation efficiency, supports aircraft planning and optimally schedules maintenance events, a company statement said
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has approved the CDB (Common Database) as an OGC standard. The adoption of the CDB as an OGC standard will bring together the geospatial intelligence and modelling and simulation industries to establish greater interoperability in the use of geospatial data
Rheinmetall Defence has signed its first Global Supply Chain agreement to provide Australian companies greater access to international supply chains. “The Agreement will provide new commercial and defence opportunities in Rheinmetalls international supply chain, and assist in breaking down barriers that may otherwise deter local firms from doing business in overseas markets
Israel is seeking to purchase three more advanced submarines from Germany at a combined price of €1.2 billion, a local newspaper reports Friday
Russia has launched Secured Intranet, equipped with a secured email service that allows transmission of classified information and documents for military communications. In every military unit there are servers that encrypt information, divide it into several packages and pass it on
US Secretary of State John Kerry has instructed Ecuador to restrain Julian Assange from releasing documents related to US Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton, Wikileaks revealed Tuesday. "Multiple US official tell us John Kerry asked Ecuador to stop Assange from publishing Clinton docs during FARC peace negotiations," WikiLeaks said on Twitter
Israel had plans of spreading rumors about a leak that it would use a military base in Saudi Arabia to strike Iran as one of its effors to counter Iran's nuclear buildup, according to th latest Wikileaks tranche of emails released Saturday. A July 2012 correspondence between a former adviser and then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton cited Israeli officials as saying that while Israel was unprepared for a full-scale war with Iran, rumors of an IDF strike could “persuade the world they mean business
China Shipbuilding has officially confirmed Wednesday that it will be providing eight S-20 submarines to Pakistan. China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation confirmed this project at a conference held to discuss the details of the arrangement
Pakistans spy agency Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) has designed a social media honey trap to catch Indian defence personnel to take off valuable security related data and communication, according to Indian media reports. Indian security agencies, who found out this app, have placed this Karachi-based cyber unit under scanner
DCI has given a one-week training to 12 participants from Kosovo, Macedonia and Moldovia on using a security Information Management System (SIEM). The tailored courses are based on operational training and exercises