The F-35C Lightning II aircraft of the U.S
The Royal Australian Air Force has awarded Lockheed Martin a contract worth $49 Million to provide Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile integration and test effort for the formers F/A-18 E/F aircraft. This order provides Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile integration and test effort for the Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 E/F aircraft for the government of Australia, an official DoD release issued today said
The German ministry of Defence has contracted Thales to equip the formers NH90 Multi Role Frigate Helicopter with FLASH SONICS dipping sonar and sonobuoy processing systems. The new configuration of the NH90 Multi Role Frigate Helicopter variant includes the latest processing technology which offers significant operational improvement
Russian tanks, artillery and trucks deployed to the areas close to the Ukrainian borders sport mysterious markings, which experts say appear shortly before combat. Videos and images of the army vehicles shared on social media show letter ‘Z painted on their sides, either by itself or enclosed by a white triangle, square or circle
Horstman, a subsidiary of RENK Group, has delivered the first Angular Gearbox destined for the UK Boxer programme. Following a contract award from KMW in 2021 the Horstman and RENK team has worked hard to reach this milestone
HENSOLDT will bring its Identification-Friend-or-Foe (IFF) into the upcoming IFF modernization programme of the South Korean armed forces. The company was awarded by LIG Nex1 two contracts worth approximately €10m to deliver 20 MSSR 2000 ID secondary radars including test equipment and related services
The Swiss procurement authority armasuisse has contracted with Rheinmetall to supply a new generation Maske 76 rapid smoke/obscurant cartridge, known in Switzerland as the “7,6cm Nebelpatrone 21 mit elektrischer Zündung”, or “7.6cm Smoke/Obscurant Cartridge with Electric Fuse”
The U.S
Russias Rubin Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering has unveiled the second modification of the armed Strazh (Sentinel) submersible patrol ship. Strazh combines the advantages of a submarine and a surface patrol ship