WASHINGTON, DC: Although the worst year the stock market has seen since the 1930s, aerospace and defense companies continued to outperform the broader markets, with the benchmark SPADE Defense Index (NYSE Alternext US: DXS) outperforming the S&P500 for the ninth consecutive year, a Marketwire press release said. An 8
JALALABAD AIRFIELD, Afghanistan --- Soldiers of the 1st Infantry Divisions 3rd Brigade Combat Team are working with Afghan citizens to install an international ring of communication that someday will span Afghanistan and connect to its neighboring countries.>> With our satellites stretched to their limits by fighting on two war fronts, the fiber ring will completely overhaul the current communication system by allowing the new system to flow very fast and efficiently, Army Maj
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia --- Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded a contract to upgrade weather and navigation radar systems on Iraqi Air Force C-130 cargo aircraft.>> The Foreign Military Sales contract, valued at $5
JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq --- The commander of Air Combat Command and members of his A-staff spoke to 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing Airmen about current and upcoming events surrounding Air Force combat operations during an Airman's Call here earlier this month.>> Gen
YORK, Pa. --- BAE Systems will provide engineering upgrades, spare parts, maintenance documentation and logistical support to RG33 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles under a dozen separate contracts from the U
>The Snatch Land Rovers lack of protection has been blamed for the death of 37 British soldiers, but despite a public campaign MoD will not hold a public inquiry into why it was kept in operation for so long. (MoD photo)Defence Secretary John Hutton has announced today that he will not be instituting a public inquiry into the use of Snatch Land Rovers by the British military on operations in Afghanistan and Iraq
The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments today released a new report Cost of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Other Military Operations Through 2008 and Beyond.>> In this report, Steven Kosiak, Vice President for Budget Studies at CSBA offers a comprehensive picture of the direct budgetary costs of US military operations conducted since 2001
WASHINGTON --- The military procurement system needs to broaden its focus beyond high-end, high-tech systems so its better prepared to meet warfighters current requirements, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates wrote in the January/February issue of Foreign Affairs magazine
The Government's forecast for the costs of military operations in Afghanistan in this financial year reveals a significant increase compared to the last financial year, says a Report from the House of Commons Defence Committee published today (Winter Supplementary Estimates 2008-09, HC 52).>> Meanwhile, the forecast operational costs for Iraq have remained broadly the same, and have even increased in one or two areas, despite the expected drawdown early in 2009
>AgustaWestland emerges as the clear winner from the British defense measures announced Dec. 11, which confirm Future Lynx and fund engine upgrades to Lynx Mk