The Minister for Defence, the Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP, today announced that the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) and Boeing Australia have agreed to terminate the contract for the delivery of a Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TUAV) System. Under a contract awarded to Boeing Australia in December 2006, Joint Project 129 sought to deliver the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) I-View 250 TUAV System, for use by the Australian Army in airborne surveillance, reconnaissance and target acquisition
Greg Combet, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement, today congratulated Thales Australia on its recent sale of additional Bushmaster vehicles to the Netherlands Army. “The Netherlands has ordered a further 13 Bushmaster vehicles on top of its purchase of 36 Bushmasters
Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono has said that the government would have four more radars in the 2010-2014 Strategic Plan program to cover the Indonesian territories. "Previously, we have procured four new radars in the 2005-2009 Strategic Plan program," Minister Juwono said in a hearing with the Parliament (DPR)'s Commission I and Indonesia's Defense Force Chief General Djoko Santoso here on Monday
Shri M. Mangapati Pallam Raju, born 31st August 1962, is currently a Member of Parliament (14th Lok Sabha) and the Minister of State for Defence (Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM)), Government of India
The European Parliament in Strasbourg approved by 502 votes to 83 the military use of the European Union's Galileo satellite. The bill, proposed by German conservative politician Karl von Wogau, aims to create a space surveillance system to watch out for space debris and other threats
On July 8, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg signed in Prague the Agreement Between the United States and the Czech Republic on Establishing a United States Ballistic Missile Defense Radar Site in the Czech Republic. This legally-binding agreement calls for the establishment and operation of a U
MEPs support the defence of EU interests in the pending dispute settlement proceedings before the WTO, in a resolution adopted with 589 votes in favour, 53 against and 64 abstentions. Airbus/Boeing disputes over subsidies should be ruled out in the coming weeks
Russia reacted angrily to a deal inked Tuesday between the US and the Czech Republic on a missile defense shield. Moscow has said it may respond with military action
Allies signed today the Accession Protocols with Albania and Croatia, opening the way for the full NATO membership of these two countries. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, H
BUDAPEST --- The United States and the Czech Republic have signed an agreement that will allow construction of part of a missile defense shield. The document was signed by U