Lockheed Martin has unveiled LMXT being built in response to the U.S
The first of seven Turkish KC-135R Stratotanker aircraft recently returned to Turkey after receiving “Block 45” upgrades at Field Aerospace, Oklahoma City. The upgrade, termed “Block 45,” completely remodeled the inside of the aircrafts flight deck, with new liquid crystal displays, radio altimeter, computer module updates, autopilot, and a digital flight director, replacing approximately 63 parts to include analog instruments which are considered high-maintenance or obsolete altogether
The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) awarded BAE Systems contracts valued at more than £220 million ($305 million) to deliver advanced synthetic training for pilots training to fly the Typhoon jet. Under the Typhoon Future Synthetic Training (TFST) contracts, BAE Systems is leading work to deliver ten simulators, together with training facilities at RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire and RAF Lossiemouth in Moray
Rolls-Royce has announced the sale of its 23.1% shareholding in AirTanker Holdings Limited to Equitix Investment Management Limited for cash proceeds of £189million ($261
Northrop Grumman recently demonstrated a data link for connecting aircraft in highly contested airspace for long-range command and control through an open architecture network. This experiment is a critical milestone in the evolution of a distributed multi-domain battle management command and control architecture that maintains decision superiority for the U
The Russian Ministry of Defense has asked MiG Corporation to upgrade their fleet of MiG-31 fighter aircraft. Two contracts pertaining to the same were signed on August 24 during the ARMY-2021 Forum
Israeli firm Rafael announced today that it has been awarded a contract worth approximately $80 million to supply a naval warfare systems suite for Shaldag Mk V Fast Attack Crafts by Israel Shipyards, to an undisclosed country in Southeast Asia. The name of the country that would receive the equipment was not disclosed
The U.S
Saudi Arabian delegation taking part in Army-2021 Forum in Kubinka outside Moscow were shown some of the weapons that ‘proved themselves in Syria. On August 23, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu thanked Deputy Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Khaled bin Salman for his visit to the VII International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2021"
The Utah Air National Guard and Collins Aerospace recently demonstrated advanced communication, mission computing and sensor technologies to support Joint All Domain Command and Control and Advanced Battle Management System initiatives on a KC-135 Stratotanker. The demonstration took place on August 7 at the Roland R