China's First AIP (air-independent propulsion) Submarine has achieved a 10 year service milestone, following performance of 50 important tasks and voyage of hundreds of thousands of miles since it was put into service a decade ago. The information was disclosed in a feature published on the website of the Ministry of National Defense on June 14
The huge popularity of mobile games among the rank and file of Chinese military personnel has created a controversy following the demotion of an army engineer to the lower position after he missed an important phone call because he was distracted by a mobile game. Military experts have warned that mobile games addiction among the armed forces can pose a major threat as there is a possibility of spies planting a virus in the games to steal sensitive military information, Global Times reports
The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of a possible foreign military sale estimated $750 million to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for an air force blanket order training program. The training for the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) and other Saudi forces will include such subjects as civilian casualty avoidance, the law of armed conflict, human rights command and control, and targeting via MTTs and/or broader Programs of Instruction (POIs), DSCA said in a press release
Logos Technologies that has been developing a hybrid-electric dirt bike ‘SilentHawk since 2015, is currently also progressing on an all-electric motorcycle and multifuel hybrid with a lighter, air-cooled engine. Ultra-quiet, electric motorcycles designed for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will help fighters sneak up on the enemy
Textron Systems has been selected as a prime contractor on the United States Army Responsive Strategic Sourcing for Services (RS3) contract. The RS3 contract has an expiration date of May 14, 2022 and an additional five-year operational ordering period, the company said in a statement Wednesday
Stratolaunch aircraft that is designed to carry satellites into low-Earth orbit powered by six engines of the 747 aircraft, rolled out for the first time Wednesday. The aircraft will carry satellites and their launch vehicles to a cruising altitude of 36,000 feet (11,000 meters) or so
The US State Department has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale estimated $250 million to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a Navy blanket order training program. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has requested the continuation of a naval blanket order training program inside and outside of Saudi Arabia that includes, but is not limited to English Language training, professional military education, technical training, publications and technical documentation, U
Ukraine military prosecutors have appealed court claiming recovery of US$25,000 as the countrys flagship frigate Hetman Sahaydachniy broke down immediately after undergoing expensive repairs. Military prosecutors in southern Ukraine have initiated a lawsuit against a contractor in the port city of Mykolaiv,
Chinas two SU-30 aircraft carried out intercept of a US aircraft WC-135 designed to detect radiation while it was flying in international airspace over the East China Sea. One of the Chinese jets was flying as near as 150ft (45m) to the US WC-135 plane and flew upside down above it, US officials were quoted as saying by CNN Friday
Saab has received an order from the Naval Port Gdynia, Poland, for the maintenance and logistic support of the Polish Navys RBS15 Mk3 surface-to-surface missile system with deliveries taking place 2017-2018. Contracted in 2006, the RBS15 Mk3 is in service on-board the Polish Navys Orkan-class fast attack craft