Germany has integrated the civil and military air traffic management in its airspace upper airspace of the north-west region of the country. The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, EUROCONTROL announced Sunday that its Air traffic controllers in Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC) will be providing integrated civil and military air navigation services in the above 24,500 feet Hannover Upper Information Region (UIR)
Chinese military analysts have said that the US underwater drone that was seized in South China Sea last week must have gathered military intelligence like the movements of submarines. Song Zhongping, a military commentator at Phoenix TV, told the
Fulcrum IT Services has been awarded a $168 million contract to provide the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO) with strategic planning, research, analysis, and training services in support of JIDOs Global Situational Awareness (Global SA) and Communities of Action (CoA) missions. The Global SA task order will provide JIDO, the intelligence community, military service partner organizations, and other Department of Defense (DoD)/federal agencies with professional services that sense, research, and analyze the global operational environment to enhance combatant commands ability to combat improvised threats to the warfighter and partner organizations through advanced situational awareness services and training
Poland will build a 800 million Euros worth new territorial defense force of 53,000 volunteers by 2019 in order to guard against threats from Russia. The force will be similar to the US National Guard in that it is comprised of civilians who undergo military training, Defense Minister Atoni Macierewicz said Monday
Pakistan is launching a cyber war, using computers and virus-laden emails to ‘attack Indian Army. Spoofed emails with the subject line ‘Actual Story of Surgical Strike are being sent by the hackers to Indian army
Taiwan will establish a new defense technology department with an allocation of NT $3 billion on the lines of US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to boost indigenous capabilities. The new military department, to be officially established next January, will be responsible for developing "groundbreaking" and "innovative" technologies for national defense and to drive development of the industry, Col
Indian has considered constituting integrated control centers (ICC) in the home ministry as well as defense ministry to get real time information of any urgent need and respond quickly to it. The integrated control centre (ICC) will be having nodes from the key agencies and departments like Central Water Commission, Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Geological Survey of India (GSI) Army, Navy, Air Force and national disaster response force (NDRF),
South Koreas two Israeli-made Green Pine anti-ballistic Radar units detecting Norths ballistic missile launches malfunctioned 21 times in the past three years. Considering that the military operates one radar unit at a time biweekly and it takes two hours to turn on the other radar when one breaks down, 21 malfunctions means the South went 42 hours with neither radar working, according to a military report that was submitted to Rep
Airbus Defence and Space has announced the launch of 'One Atlas', a new satellite image basemap, which covers the earths landmasses with professional grade imagery. Available online, 24/7 and refreshed within a 12-month period, One Atlas provides customers within the defence, intelligence and security industry with easy access to homogeneous imagery, the company said in a statement Wednesday
The maiden flight of the Yak-152 initial training aircraft took place at the airfield of Irkutsk Aviation Plant Thursday. Yak-152 aircraft has been developed by Yakovlev Design Bureau, an affiliate of Irkut Corporation