WICHITA, Kan. --- The Boeing Company today delivered its best and final offer (BAFO) to 700 Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace-Wichita Engineering Unit (SPEEA-WEU) engineers at the company's Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) facility in Wichita
WICHITA, Kan. --- The Boeing Company today delivered its best and final offer (BAFO) to 700 Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace-Wichita Engineering Unit (SPEEA-WEU) engineers at the company's Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) facility in Wichita
WASHINGTON --- Four people nominated to serve in the Defense Department in President-elect Barack Obamas administration will appear before the Senate Armed Forces Committee on Jan. 15 for confirmation hearings, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said today
SAINT-LAURENT, Quebec --- The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry, and the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, announced today an investment in research and development (R&D) for innovative cockpit technologies by Esterline CMC Electronics Inc. (CMC)
Developing protective vehicle armour with holes in it may not seem the most obvious way to increase protection for British troops on operations but that's just what MOD scientists are doing.>> Since 2000, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) at Porton Down in Wiltshire has worked in collaboration with Cambridge University and QinetiQ to develop Super Bainite, a unique ultra-hard armour material
GREENBELT, Md. --- Gryphon Technologies, LC, has been awarded a competitively bid $337 million contract by the U
>By Norways reckoning, the Joint Strike Fighter would be cheaper even if Sweden developed and gave away 48 Gripen NGs free of charge, Saab claims. (Saab photo)During the past two years, Saab has participated in the procurement process to replace the Norwegian F16 air force fleet
WICHITA, Kan. --- Refusing to respond to union proposals, without notice The Boeing Company today (Dec
The Defense Department announced today that it has authorized the military services to implement a pilot program; temporarily permitting enlistment into military service certain legal aliens (who have lived in the United States for at least two years) who hold skills that are critically needed in the military.>> The pilot will address health care professionals holding needed medical specialties (physicians and nurses) and people with skills in certain strategic foreign languages and cultures, qualifications important to present and future military operations
TOULON, France --- The CVN Charles de Gaulle refit and upgrade was completed on 1 December 2008. Prime contractor DCNS conducted this exceptional shipyard project at a sustained pace to complete it on time in just 15 months