Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has launched the GSAT-7A, a military communications satellite, from the second launch pad of Sathish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota located in Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday. The GSLV-F11 rocket will inject GSAT-7A into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and it will be placed in its final Geostationary Orbit using the onboard propulsion systems
The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencys (DARPA) Squad X Experimentation program demonstrated the ability to extend and enhance the situational awareness of small, dismounted units. The US Marine squads improved their ability to synchronize maneuvers, employing autonomous air and ground vehicles to detect threats from multiple domains – physical, electromagnetic, and cyber – providing critical intelligence as the squad moved through scenarios, DARPA said in a statement late November this year
DJI and Check Point Researchers shared details of a potential vulnerability in the user identification process within DJIs online Forum that could have enabled an attacker to gain access to user's account. In a report submitted in accordance with DJI's Bug Bounty Program, Researchers discovered that DJI's platforms used a token to identify registered users across different aspects of the customer experience, making it a target for hackers looking for ways to access accounts
Lockheed Martin has introduced the Multi-Domain Synchronized Effects Tool (MDSET), which links traditionally stove-piped resources to create synergistic effects and shorten the “data to decision cycle”. “In planning missions, our troops need the agility to succeed amidst uncertainty,” said Dr
Boeing has completed the first suite of synchronised unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flight tests using new on-board autonomous command and control technology developed by the company in Australia. Conducted at a regional Queensland airfield, the test flights saw five UAV test beds equipped with Boeings new on-board system safely complete in-air programmed missions as a team without input from a human pilot, the company said in a statement last Friday
Lockheed Martin has been awarded a $2.9 billion contract for three Next Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Space Vehicles
Indonesias contract to buy 11 Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets for $1.14 billion from Russia signed in February this year to replace its old F-5 Tigers is likely to come into effect this month, the Ministry of defense stated
Pakistan's first high resolution imaging satellite with a resolution of one meter was launched today by a Chinese Long March 2-C Rocket. The PRSS-1 is China's first optical remote sensing satellite sold to Pakistan developed by the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)
The China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) has released a photograph of Chinas second aircraft carrier equipped with an electromagnetic aircraft launch system. The photograph put up on companys WeChat-Chinese social media platform-account shows the aircraft carrier in the center and the Liaoning and Chinas first domestically developed Type 001A aircraft carrier on either side
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp (CASC) will display a new generation attack and reconnaissance UAV dubbed as the CH-X at the Airshow China 2018 later this year. "A new generation CH series UAVs, the CH-X which is the most advanced in the CH series, will be displayed at Airshow China 2018 in Zhuhai this year," Shi Wen, the chief engineer and designer of China's Caihong (CH), or Rainbow UAV made by CASC said at the press conference in Beijing Monday