Aerojet, a GenCorp company, has been awarded the Large Class (LC) Stage II Technology Demonstration contract from the U.S
Defence Electronics (DE), an integrated activity of EADS Defence & Security (DS), has been awarded a contract worth approx. EUR 14 million ($19 milion ) by the Bulgarian company Promax99 covering the delivery of new technology identification (Identification Friend or Foe = IFF) systems
EADS DS has been awarded a contract worth approx. $38 million by the French procurement authority DGA for upgrading more than 1,000 IFF systems deployed by the French Air Force and Navy
Basler Vision Technologies has partnered with LuxRiot to present their combined solution for IP video surveillance management. All Basler IP megapixel camera models are supported by LuxRiot’s IP video surveillance management software
Rolls-Royce today announced it has delivered its first production Variable Area Vane Box Nozzle (VAVBN) to Pratt & Whitney for integration on the F-35B Lightning II aircraft. The VAVBN is now ready to be shipped to Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) partner Northrop Grumman for integration into the aircraft
As part of a product improvement programme, EADS Defence & Security (DS) will equip the German Armed Forces CH-53G transport helicopters with the new operations support system EUA (Einsatzuntersttzungsanlage) for mission preparation and planning.>> The system, with an order volume of around EUR 10 million, will be developed by Defence Electronics, an integrated activity of EADS DS, which is already developing self-defence and avionics systems for the CH-53 helicopter as a subcontractor of Eurocopter Deutschland
Lockheed Martin Corp., of Littleton, Colo
San Fernando-Puerto Real shipyard, in Southern Spain, launched on 16th October the first of the series of four BVL patrol boats for the control of the coast that Navantia is building for the Venezuelan Navy.>> The ship was named Guaicamacuto and her godmother was Mari Carmen La Riva de Quintana
TUCSON, Ariz. --- The Raytheon Company and Northrop Grumman Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI) team fired a Stage 2 rocket motor featuring an enhanced nozzle and upgraded ballistics
> The newly appointed Shadow Minister for Defence Senator David Johnston has roundly criticised the Rudd Government for sitting on an important decision on Australias air combat capabilities for five months.>> Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon received the Air Combat Capability Review in May, but is yet to decide if the Joint Strike Fighter will become Australias leading edge combat aircraft