Naval Group laid the keel for the second of the twelve mine countermeasure platforms of the Belgian-Dutch rMCM program, the HNLMS Vlissingen, intended for the Royal Netherlands Navy, June 14. The keel laying ceremony took place in Lanester, in the presence of Vice Admiral René Tas, Commander of the Royal Netherlands...
US Air Force B-1B Lancers landed at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, June 3, for a Pacific Air Forces Bomber Task Force (BTF) deployment.Chinese warplanes have had close encounters with US and Australian aircraft in South China sea in recent days
India handed over 12 High Speed Guard Boats to Vietnam during defence minister Rajnath Singhs visit to Hong Ha Shipyard in Hai Phong on June 9, 2022. The boats have been constructed under the Government of Indias $100 million Defence Line of Credit to Vietnam
Russias Main Naval Parade to be held in St. Petersburg on July 31 will involve as many as 200 combat ships and 80 aircraft
The Indian Defense Acquisition Council (DAC) headed by defense minister Rajnath Singh has approved proposals worth $9.8 billion (INR 76,390 crore) for the procurement of military equipment and platforms including eight next generation corvettes and engines to power Su-30 MKI fighters
Russias law enforcement sources revealed to state media that seized Ukrainian Navy armored gunboats may be used to guard the ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol after repairs. "There are several armored boats, captured by Russian seamen as trophies
Ukrainian forces destroyed its own warship, ‘Donbas during retreat from Mariupol, Russia has claimed. "In order not to get the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the enemy decided to undermine it and flood it
The U.S
Turkeys state-owned defense firm ASFAT launched the third MILGEM-class corvette PNS Badr built for the Pakistan Navy on Friday. The corvette was launched in a ceremony at a shipyard in the southern Pakistani port city of Karachi
Italian firm Fincantieri laid keel for amphibious vessel (LPD – Landing Platform Dock) ordered by the Qatari Ministry of Defence at the Palermo shipyard. The LPD is designed consistent with the RINAMIL (rules for naval ships classification) rules to ensure extremely efficient land-air-marine connections
The Indian Navys fourth Project 15B guided-missile destroyer Surat and Project 17A frigate Udaygiri were launched at Mumbai-based Mazagaon Docks Limited (MDL) today. The Indian Navys Directorate of Naval Design (DND) is the brain behind the design of both 15B and P17A ships