Naval Group laid the keel for the first of the twelve mine countermeasure vessels of the Belgian-Dutch rMCM program, intended for Belgium, on November 30. This program was awarded in 2019 to Belgium Naval & Robotics, the consortium formed by Naval Group and ECA Group, following an international competition
The first-ever military exercise involving Russia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) opened in Indonesia on Wednesday. The ceremony was attended by Russian Ambassador to ASEAN Alexander Ivanov and Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobyeva, government-owned
BAE Systems has installed its zero-emission propulsion system in the first U.S
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy's third Type 075 amphibious assault ship has reportedly embarked on its maiden voyage. Videos that have been circulating on social media since last week show the Type 075 warship setting out from its shipyard for its first sea trial
Naval Group announced the creation of the MCM (Mine CounterMeasures) R&D centre within its subsidiary, Naval Group Belgium, on Thursday. This centre will work jointly with Belgian partners in a collaborative laboratory called the MCM Lab
The French armament procurement agency (DGA) on Friday took delivery of first two new generation landing craft known as EDA-S. The craft, Arbalette and Arquebuse, were ordered in 2019 from the company CNIM for the benefit of the French Navy and the Army
The U.S
The French Navy has commissioned the first FREMM-DA multi-mission frigate with enhanced air defense capability, Alsace. Alsace was handed over to the Navy by French shipbuilder Naval Group in April
The Indian Navy commissioned the first Project 15B stealth guided-missile destroyer, INS Vishakhapatnam, on Sunday. “The first of the Project 15B class of ship, Visakhapatnam is being commissioned today
The U.S
The Italian Coast Guard signed a contract with Fincantieri for the design and construction of a multi-role offshore unit (UAM). The deal was signed in Rome at the headquarters of the General Command of the Harbour Authorities - Coast Guard
ST Engineering has won a contract from Abu Dhabi Ship Building PJSC (ADSB) for the supply of design, platform equipment and technical assistance for the construction of four Falaj 3-class Offshore Patrol Vessels. These vessels will be constructed in ADSB for the UAE Navy