CACI International Inc. specializes in providing expertise in business systems, communications technologies, and surveillance.
CACI International has been awarded a $1.7 billion contract to provide the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO) with deployable analytical operations, intelligence, and training services to support JIDOs Focused Support/Decisive...
CACI International Inc and Virginia Techs Ted and Karyn Hume Center for National Security and Technology have entered into a partnership to develop the next generation of technology leaders in...
CACI has won a multi-million dollar ongoing contract to provide rapid response technical forensics and exploitation support for the US Army CERDECs Intelligence and Information Warfare Directorate (I2WD). US Armys Communications-Electronics...
CACI International has won a $38.5 million contract for providing Rapid Prototyping and Technology Insertion (RPTI) support to the Command, Power & Integration Directorates Prototyping, Integration and Testing Division (PI&TD)...
CACI International has won two task orders worth $86 million to provide software support and engineering services to the US Armys Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) Software Engineering Center (SEC). These two-year (one...
CACI International has won a $43 million contract to continue providing engineering support, including modeling and simulation of sensor and imaging systems, for the US Armys Night Vision and Electronic...
CACI International and Appcelerator have partnered to offer a mobile solution to the federal customers, particularly the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community. The partnership enables customers to quickly deploy...
Israeli weapon system may be offered to the package of the MC-27J aircraft equipped with a 30 mm gun, according to Defense-Update. The planned gunship variant of the C-27J will...
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The U
Lockheed Martin and Google Public Sector have announced plans to integrate Google’s generative artificial intelligence (genAI) into Lockheed Martin’s AI Factory ecosystem, aiming to enhance AI-driven capabilities across defense, aerospace, and scientific fields
Airbus has handed over first two of six
Denmark’s Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen
Rescuers in Lithuania continued efforts on Thursday to recover the vehicle of four U
Denmark Plans Urgent Procurement of Ground-based Air Defence Systems
Four U.S. Soldiers Still Missing in Lithuania After M88 Hercules Vehicle Sinks in Swamp