Innovative Solutions & Support has completed the flight testing and customer delivery of its NextGen Flight Management System (FMS) on the C-130 aircraft.
As part of a fleet-wide flight deck installation program, the first plane has been completed and accepted by the customer, company announced today. The second aircraft has commenced modification. This extensive flight deck upgrade transforms the cockpits on both C-130 and L-100-30 aircraft, integrating legacy and newly installed equipment into a common advanced cockpit.
The transformation makes the aircraft Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) and Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) ready. The IS&S flight deck upgrade integrates the IS&S FMS with seven large Flat Panel Displays, a Standby Navigation Unit, a Warning System and computers to enhance tactical and situational awareness while improving the reliability, maintainability and mission readiness of the aircraft.
The IS&S NextGen Flight Management System integrated with Beta 3 GPS receivers provides RNP/RF WAAS/GPS and LPV capabilities. These capabilities, unprecedented in this aircraft, further demonstrate the robustness and cross-platform versatility of the IS&S FMS.
The included Standby Navigation Unit senses, processes and displays altitude, attitude, airspeed, slip/skid and navigation information in an intuitive single instrument display.
Further, the system includes Primary, Navigation and Engine Instrument Displays with associated Control Panels and Data Concentrators.
The Caution, Warning and Advisory Panel (CWAP) enables centralized cautionary and warning indications in the flight deck. Further, it provides an interface with the remote attention getters to enable flight crew alert of annunciated cautions or warnings.
CWAP also provides outputs to activate warnings in the aircraft audio tone and voice alerting system.