China Constructing C28A Class Corvettes For Algeria

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:41 PM, August 10, 2015
  • 5101
China Constructing C28A Class Corvettes For Algeria
China Constructing C28A Class Corvettes For Algeria

China is building two C28A class corvettes similar to the PLA Navy's Type 054A guided-missile frigate for Algeria.

An internet photo suggests that the Algeria's C28A corvettes are upgraded version of the four F-22P Zulfiquar-class frigates that China built for Pakistan in 2013, WantChinaTimes quoted a Sina Military Network Sunday report.

China agreed to provide three C28A corvettes to Algeria under a contract signed in March 2012. Each ship is equipped with a 76 mm NG-16-1 gun, an eight-cell FM90 launcher for HQ-7 short-range air defense missiles, two quad launchers of C-802A anti-ship missiles, and two seven-barrel 30 mm Type 730 close-in weapons systems. One of the vessels has already been fitted with the HQ-7 missile system. 

The first of the three C-28A corvettes being built for Algeria was launched by the Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Company in Shanghai on 15 August 2014.

Each C28A corvette can also carry a Westland Super-Lynx Mk140 helicopter and the construction is taking take place at Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard in Shanghai.

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