Russia Developing Subsea Robotized Vehicles For Arctic Region Security

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:43 AM, June 9, 2016
  • 3477
Russia Developing Subsea Robotized Vehicles For Arctic Region Security
Russia Developing Subsea Robotized Vehicles For Arctic Region Security

Russia is developing a subsea robotized system for security of the Arctic sea and offshore areas.

General Designer of Rubin Design Bureau Rubin Igor Vilnit told TASS that a preliminary design of unmanned submersibles is under development.

These vehicles will be part of under-ice and subsea drilling system, in order to support construction and operation of drilling facilities in the Arctic Region.

"Subsea vehicles developed as part of the project are planned to perform exploration and survey work on the soil and in depth of the ocean as required during the drilling facility construction and will support safety during its operation," Vilnit said.

"An integrated robotized system intended for security of lengthy sea areas and continental shelf areas is at the proactive development phase," Vilnit added.

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has said earlier that plans to tap Arctic fields using marine robots are underway.