WikiLeaks Website Hacked After Democratic National Committee's Email Leaks

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  • 11:55 AM, November 7, 2016
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WikiLeaks Website Hacked After Democratic National Committee's Email Leaks
Julian Assange, Founder of Wikileaks.

Julian assange’s whistleblowing website WikiLeaks was hacked on Monday following the publication of the second batch of leaked Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails.

"Our email publication servers are under a targeted DoS (denial-of-service) attack since releasing #DNCLeak2," WikiLeaks said in a Twitter post.

​On Sunday, WikiLeaks released 8,263 emails belonging to the members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The leaked documents that Wikileaks had planned to release in couple of days are probably fake, presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign said in twitter. In turn Wikileaks retaliated, the "biggest whoppers" are those told during Hillary Clinton’s campaign. 

WikiLeaks, in OCtober had also released thousands of emails from the hacked account of Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta. Similar to the Podesta emails, the DNC emails reported Sunday were not in sequence and out of context, including mass mailings as well as internal correspondence.

However, Monday’s email dump was not the first one. The whistleblowers published 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from key figure in the DNC.

The leak showed that the Democratic Party's top officials deliberately worked to obstruct Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders' campaign to favor Hillary Clinton's nomination bid.

On July 22, the whistleblowers published the first part of the leaked emails from key figures in the DNC, such as Communications Director Luis Miranda, National Finance Director Jordon Kaplan and Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer.

The release also showed that the Democratic Party's top officials deliberately worked to obstruct Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders' campaign to favor Hillary Clinton's nomination bid, Sputnik News reported today.

As a consequence, Chairwoman Debbi Wasserman Schultz resigned as she was about to convene the convention.  

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